Hi, my name is Ben Fernandez
I'm a Full-Stack Software Engineer.

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Hello, my name is Benigno but you can call me Ben. My love of software engineering began in 2015 when I began to teach myself to code. I am a full stack software engineer that's extremely passionate about tech. I have worked with and developed end to end web and mobile applications, APIS and data tables using the following programming languages, frameworks and tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, ReactJS, React Native, Next.JS, Node.JS, Express.JS, Python, TypeScript, Gatsby, Git, Flask, Expo, Docker, AWS, PostgresSQL, GraphQL and Redis. I've also worked on some personal machine learning models using tools such as Jupyter Notebook, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Google Colab.

I have a passion for constant improvement, and betterment of self. My goal is to take that drive and continue to put it to use as a software engineer and overall techy who's extremely passionate and excited about the future of tech.

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A social media platform that takes the feed of Twitter and the discussion component of Reddit and combines them. This was a project I create for the Hashnode AWS-Amplify Hackathon. I came across the registration link for the hacakathon 9 days after it started but decided to join anyway and challenge. It was my first experience using the AWS-Amplify Studio and I was behind on time so after reading some documentation and watching a quick YouTube video, I was ready to go. In 3 weeks I was able to put together this site and submit it, and I'll continue to work on it even after. The programming languages and tools used for this project are: JAVASCRIPT, NEXT.JS, CSS MODULES, NPM, AWS-Amplify UI library, AWS CLI, AWS-Amplify DataStore, AWS Appsync, AWS-Amplify authentication(Cognito), and S3 Storage. The site is hosted through AWS hosting and code repo can be found on GITHUB.

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This is a Netflix clone site created with Next.js, hence the name Nextflix. It uses magic link authentication for users to login. It allows users to watch videos from the Youtube API integration, and lets users favorite their videos to watch later. The site uses Hasura with GraphQL as the database. The programming languages and tools used for this project are: JAVASCRIPT, NEXT.JS, NODE.JS, CSS MODULES, NPM, API Integration, GRAPHQL, HASURA. The site is hosted on VERCEL and repo can be found on GITHUB

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Composed Style

This is a member site with email and password login as well as google authentication login via google firebase. It has stripe integration to accept credit card payments. The programming languages and tools used for this project are: HTML, SCSS, JAVASCRIPT, REACT, REACT STYLED COMPONENTS, NODE.JS, NPM, FIREBASE, and STRIPE. The site is hosted on NETLIFY and repo can be found on GITHUB.

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Face Detection App

A member login site, where users can insert an image URL and have an AI detect faces in the pictures. It has an sql database to store registered users. The programming languages and tools used for this project are: JAVASCRIPT, REACT, CSS, NODE.JS, PSQL, EXPRESS.JS, API, NODEMON. The site is hosted on HEROKU.

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Poke App

This is a member site with authentication that allows users to get information of all 905 pokemon(at time of site creation). Users can add pokemon to a favorites list in the navbar by clicking the pokeball at the bottom of a pokemons card. There's also a pokemon guessing game reminiscent of the "Whos That Pokemon?" from the animated series. I worked together with a colleague of mine, and took care of the front end/design/layout aspect of the site. The programming languages and tools used for this project are: HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JAVASCRIPT, REACT, PYTHON, APIs, FLASK and GIT for version control.

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Meals To Go Mobile App

This is a member login app built using React Native. It uses firebase to authenticate, log in and log out users. Users can search through restaurants and favorite restaurants to come back to later. It has maps and google maps functionality built in, as well as front facing camera functionality. The programming languages and tools used for this project are: JAVASCRIPT, REACT NATIVE, STYLED COMPONENTS, EXPO, YARN and GIT for version control.

See Live Source Code


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